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The Creative's Space Ep. 5: Bold Confidence + Celebration with Marisa Bailey


Below is the transcription for episode 5 of the podcast the Creative's Space with special guest Marisa Bailey. Find the podcast on Apple or Spotify.

Meg [00:00:27] Hi, everyone, and welcome to the Speak Your Truth podcast. My name is Megan, and today I am here with Marisa Bailey, who is one of the first friends that I made in the entrepreneurial space. I believe I started my business about a year ago and we were in an Instagram pod together and we met that way. And we have been friends ever since. And I have been a huge fan of hers. I actually just signed up with a program for her because I love her and adore her. But I am so thankful that she's here today and she has so much wisdom to share with you. And so why don't we get started? Hi, Marisa.

Marisa Bailey [00:01:05] Hi. I'm so excited to be here.

Meg [00:01:08] I'm so excited you are here. Why don't you go ahead and tell everyone a little bit about your story, who you are, what you do and why you do it.

Marisa Bailey [00:01:16] Yeah. So like you said in your super sweet intro, my name is Marisa Bailey and I have been in business for about two years now and I'm a confidence expert and business coach. And so my journey started back in December. Twenty eighteen, which seems like it was just yesterday already where I transitioned from my corporate professional life into entrepreneurship. And it's something that I'm extremely passionate about and teaching and sharing that knowledge and that journey with other women in my work. And that's exactly how we got connected into the Instagram of, like you said, which also I can't believe was a year ago already. I don't know where time is going.

Meg [00:01:59] I know. Isn't it crazy? Yes. Yeah, so that that is. That's like that's like the like short summary version of your journey, because I know that there's been so much more so like how did how did you first, like, build like the nerve and the confidence to leave your corporate job?

Marisa Bailey [00:02:23] Yeah, honestly, it took me probably. A solid year to actually build up the confidence, to be able to have that conversation with my last corporate job and it took a lot of internal work, the external stuff was, quote unquote, the easy work, where internally I really had to dove deep into my heart, into my soul, into what really let me up and really recognize what my not only physical body was telling me when I was in my corporate life, but what my external environment was telling me how my relationships were going not only with other people, but also with myself. And so really like doing a personal inventory is the biggest thing that really helped me build that confidence. I sat down with myself quite a bit and got. Quiet as possible. I acknowledge days where I would be working anywhere from 16 to 18 hour days, sleeping for six and then waking up and doing the same thing all over again. That was not the life that I envisioned for myself. And at that time, I was very financially secure. I had what I like to call golden handcuffs on where I had these bright, shiny handcuffs on at my in my corporate life. I had all the benefits. I had a phenomenal financial set up. I probably could have stayed there for a lot longer had that been the path that I wanted to go. But it just didn't feel right. And I feel like really tapping into my intuition what I was doing, that personal inventory was the biggest catapult for me, really building that confidence. And honestly, I had to do a lot of self ted talk, so I like to call them where I would get as ridiculous as it might sound. I would stand in front of the mirror and talk myself of, OK, Marissa, this is the life that's happening right now. Is this what you want? Is this what you need? What what does fulfillment look like to you? What does a life of freedom or flexibility or, again, happiness actually look like for you? And in envisioning that and then reverse engineering, how do I get to that life? And once I was able to really get really, really detailed with that vision that I so desired, it was almost easy to have that conversation and to transition into entrepreneurship. And that started an entire new journey into entrepreneurship because I, truth be told, didn't know what I was getting into. However, I would not change a thing. I love every single hiccup that I went through, every single pothole that I ran into. And it really forced me to do a lot of reflection on myself. And it's honestly been the thing that's enabled me to call myself a confidence expert because I believe in myself, but also I believe in every other person out there that they deserve to have that level of confidence that they're non-negotiable is not settling for anything less than what they actually desire.

Meg [00:05:39] I love that and I actually really love what you said about, like, golden handcuffs, I've never heard that before. And so, like, really like thinking like that. It just like clicked so many things in my brain because, like, it's that you should be happy with what you have because what you have is good, but it still doesn't feel free and you don't feel liberated. You don't feel like you can express yourself and be who you are. So like the handcuffs are gold, but like they're still handcuffs.

Marisa Bailey [00:06:09] Mm. Yeah. And and I really like that too because I don't know about you, but I work really well when I have a visual. So I spoke to how I created that very detailed vision that I had for myself as an entrepreneur and just generally as a human living, a life that I love. And when I finally have that download of oh my gosh, I have these golden handcuffs on, they might even be like encrusted in diamonds and all of the glitter and all of the things, but they're still handcuffs. And it was slowly recognizing that I have the key next to me the entire time. And I was giving those handcuffs much more power than they actually deserve to have over me. And the second that I built my confidence up and was able to say, no, Marisa, enough is enough and just grab onto that key and take those handcuffs off. It was so liberating. It was like my soul took this giant drink of water and it was just like so fulfilling. And I tell everybody that I work with or that I encounter is that we hear so much about living this life of freedom and flexibility. And I could sit here and tell you what my my journey and my experience has been like until we're both blue in the face. However, my journey is going to be so much different from yours and from anybody else that hears this. The key is, is really giving your power to yourself and giving yourself permission and grace to be kind to yourself through that entire journey that there's no right or wrong way to do anything. And I firmly believe that I was so stuck in so I guess tethered to what I should be doing, go to school, go to more school. Once you graduate, find a job, stay there as long as possible. If you're not happy, suck it up, figure it out. And I did that for a long time, and I am incredibly grateful to be able to to recognize that I realized that a lot sooner than a lot of other people have. And now I'm here and I'm able to not necessarily start from scratch because I don't like to look at it that way. I'm really grateful for my corporate life, every single facet of it, because it's really allowed me to use those puzzle pieces to keep connecting the pieces where I'm at right now to create that whole piece. And it's like when I'm done with one puzzle, I move on to the next one. And so that shows up in so many different varieties in my life now, where maybe it's a new offer, maybe it's a different pivot it in my business, maybe it's rebranding or figuring out like, OK, my ideal client is evolving at the same time that I'm evolving. So when I love what my clients are going to come with me. And so it's so beautiful to be able to now not have one foot like teetering into the mud, which would be my past, even including yesterday, and having one step forward and recognizing that I no longer have to just sit with what happened yesterday, what happened six months a year to five years ago. But those are all now beautiful stones that allowed me to step onto them to continue building my path forward.

Meg [00:09:32] I love all of that. I really do. Because, like I, I resonate with your journey because I. I am. I graduated college like a year ago and I started my entrepreneurship journey. And watching you have the confidence to be like, you know what, this is not what I wanted. Helped me get, like, give the confidence to you. Like, I can be an entrepreneur, like people who have already done like all of this other stuff, like gone into the corporate world, gone into like entrepreneurship, gone into nonprofits, like they have pivoted. And it is not starting over. It is just continuing your journey. And so knowing that, like, this wasn't like I feel like I had that mindset at one point that, like, everything is so permanent, you know, when it's not like everything is changing and evolving, like you said, like when you evolve some of your clients, you bring people with you because we're never we're never done growing.

Marisa Bailey [00:10:33] Yeah, I love that. We're we really aren't. Like, we continue to learn. We continue to grow. And the moment where we start feeling comfortable is where I encourage everybody to push themselves a little bit more. The moment that it gets hard, do the thing the hard way. Sometimes if anything was easy in life, everybody would be out here just for the on their mind. Everybody would be doing everything else that everyone says that they want to do. But the real lessons are the hard lessons sometimes. And I think for me, a hard lesson that I had to learn. But one of the most beautiful lessons that I learned was really speaking, speaking up and speaking my truth. And it's not from an ego based truth. I feel like it's from that really deep truth that you have in your soul. It's not even at at the level of your bones. It's so much deeper than that. It's in your soul and, you know, and it keeps coming back to you in so many different ways. But because we're humans, a lot of the times we ignore it. But when that message just needs to be heard, it's not even if we want it to be heard at that point that it has to be heard and we are meant to speak this truth. Oftentimes that will come and just slap us in the face and it hurts. But that's the thing is it will get our attention. And so the thing that I really encourage all of my clients or anybody in my orbit for that that matter is to really pay attention and to to ease up. And it's not necessarily slow down. It's ease up and walk through your journey with as much grace as you know that you deserve and give yourself permission for that and also feel the feelings. I feel like that was one thing that was encouraged of me to do by a previous mentor of really feel the feelings, because I have a tendency sometimes not only because of my corporate background and in the industries that I worked in, but because of how I was raised to and not not in a negative way. But my masculine energy can take over so quickly where I will all of a sudden start writing 17 different lists and I will just consume myself with content and social media and all of the things and feel like I have to constantly be going. And I ignore my feminine energy where my feminine energy likes to have fun. And she likes to be creative. She likes to insert pieces of her character and her personality into her everyday life. And so the thing that I've really found is a fine balance between those two and really have been able to recognize when one starts taking over the other and also giving myself the permission to ease up when that happens.

Meg [00:13:22] I love that you mentioned feminine and masculine energy, and you tied that back in your corporate life, too, because my next question for you was going to be like what? What changed about your confidence from when you left your corporate life and then entered the world of entrepreneurship? Like how like were there any visible differences over how you were building your confidence while you were still in your corporate life and then how that shifted when you got into entrepreneurship?

Marisa Bailey [00:13:49] That's a really great question and absolutely yes. And I could probably sit here and tell you for the next five hours the differences. I will say that some of the very obvious differences and how I was building my confidence during my corporate life versus now as an entrepreneur in my corporate life, it was very apparent to others and me now that I used the color black to protect myself. And it actually became a running joke that I would always have like a different shade of black on that day. And I thought, like at that time that it was my power color, that I was the thing. Like I was going very Victoria Beckham with it. Like, I'm just going to use this as my my thing. It's chic. It's whatever it was my power when in reality I was using it as protection because I didn't want anybody to really see who I was and what I loved. And the second thing that I actually talked about yesterday with my audience is and this might sound really goofy, but I just fully own it now, is that glasses for me used to be another source of a shield where it was a running joke for the longest time that I had so many different pairs of glasses that anybody could come to my desk and just take a pair or two on loan and I would never recognize it. And so what I mean by that is if you remember the movie Big Daddy, that the little kid in it, he would put his sunglasses on and all of a sudden he was invincible. That's what glasses were for me. So what I would go into a meeting with executives or leadership team or my team that I managed or my direct report or really anybody where I felt like I had some authority, but I didn't actually believe it. I would put my glasses on and it was almost just like that was a tangible confidence builder for me. And in reality, I was actually hiding. And so when I started diving really, really deep into what spirituality meant for me and how much I was covering it up in physical ways and also just emotional, mental, all of the things when I started really diving into that and allowing myself to practice my spirituality in my everyday, it it just like pushed me off the ledge, I think, in the most beautiful way, where the thing that I was waiting for me over that ledge was just this beautiful. Crystal blue ocean with like the most perfect weather and all of beautiful things where I finally started recognizing that I am really credible, I have an incredible amount of knowledge, I am very gifted, and people come to me for specific reasons, for specific advice, for consulting, for mentoring, all of those different things. And I allowed myself to play small. And so I believe the first day that actually one of my previous bosses had asked me when I was going through coach certification training. Had asked me, oh, you're not going to leave your job to do some coaching thing, aren't you? And I can replay that moment in my my mind so vividly and I can feel the cold sweat that came over me and the chills that I had, because I think that was my body telling me, like, absolutely, you're going to do that and this is preparing you for when that actually happens. So I feel like now when I build my confidence, it's through my words, it's through how I show up to not only my audience, but for myself every single day. And is it always easy? No, but that doesn't stop me now. Whereas I feel like a year or two ago that would have absolutely stopped me in my tracks and I would have just consumed myself with other projects or other people's things and swept everything about me under the rug until it got to the point where it just bubbled up and bubbled up and I had no other option but then to address it.

Meg [00:18:01] I love all of that, and I I definitely resonate, too, with, like, letting things stop you in your tracks and keep you from moving forward, because it is it is easy. We we're meant to be in communities. We are meant as humans to have like connect with others. And it's hard to instill such a deep sense of self-worth and drown out all of that noise sometimes. And so I liked what you said earlier about how you thought that, like black was your power color and that was like a source of confidence for you. But it was actually like a source of hiding your powers. Like how how did you come to that realization? And how can you how can I how can the listener's, like, determine if something is actually building their confidence or if it's an excuse to play small?

Marisa Bailey [00:18:59] That's a really good question, too. I would say that recognizing it is really hard sometimes, but it doesn't have to be. I feel like really, really tapping into our intuition is honestly the biggest thing. And I can say that with ease, because I've done it, I've practiced it. I know how to do it. But it's something that I work really hard on with my clients is essentially trusting your gut. So trusting your intuition could be said in so many different ways. But I feel like we can all resonate with trusting our gut that moment where, say, for example, for me, when I would go into a meeting with a leadership team and I put my glasses on, I subconsciously knew what I was doing. My body was giving me physical reactions to what I was doing. I would clam up the conversations. I would want to ask a question and it would pop up in my mind over and over. But I wouldn't actually ask the question because I was so afraid of being wrong and little did I know somebody else would ask the question five minutes later or when I would want to provide an answer. I wouldn't provide the answer because I was so stuck in that place of fear of having the quote unquote wrong, wrong answer when there really is no wrong answer. When I'm trusting my gut, it's it's a risk that I'm taking. Absolutely. But life is all about taking risks and especially taking bets on ourselves. And so I would tell all of our listeners to really trust your gut. It does not lead you wrong. It knows what's up. It knows the path that it wants you to go down and really leaning into that and recognizing like, OK, what does trust my gut mean for me? Because it's going to mean something different from Arissa that it means for Meggan or for any listener right now. So trusting your gut is really all about not only paying attention to your intuition, but your physical body. When you have a reaction to an experience, a person, a comment, a word, anything, trust it and then explore it. And if if there is something, for example. I would say for me one thing, that as an entrepreneur, when I was making my first investment as an entrepreneur into a program, I was so afraid of doing that because I was thinking like, oh, my gosh, I've never done this before. I'm going to make this investment. I don't really know how to get the money back. All of the mind set tricks started coming in and my ego was taking over. It was just on my shoulder yelling at me, No, no, don't do it. And so I had to really just sit with that and write down and way out. Two really important questions. One, what happens when I make this investment, i.e., what is the best case scenario? And then the second question, what happens if everything stays the same and I don't make this investment and really sitting with that and thinking, OK, if I don't make this investment, I'm going to think that I have to do all of this by myself from now until whenever. It's probably going to be really painful. I know that I have people that would want to help me out. I see other people out in my world that are making these types of investments and it's working really well. And has there ever been a moment in my corporate life what kind of corporate training and knowledge can I take into this where I had to make some sort of investment in myself via my time or my expertize? And that really worked out for me. And so I think that at the end of the day is really working out what happens if things stay the same or what happens if I move forward and I do take this risk.

Meg [00:22:36] Yes, definitely like that, like what is the worst case scenario and what's the best case scenario? I've had to ask myself that a lot and like I, I realized that I'm the type of person that, like, until I'm at rock bottom, I'm, like, too proud to ask for help or like to like I just feel like I can do it on my own. So it's not even that I'm like, too proud sometimes. It's just like I have this like over like overestimating confidence in myself that, like, things are somehow going to be fine until I'm at the bottom. And then I have to like then that's the worst case scenario and then I can only go up from there. But like instead of instead of having to go to the worst case scenario every time, like what would happen if I allowed in the best case scenario to come through and like, what if I allowed things to work out the way that they're supposed to, you know, and like having that confidence in myself and having that confidence that, like, I also am trusting my gut in the moment to allow that to propel me forward.

Marisa Bailey [00:23:37] Yeah, I love that. I actually heard a quote from another because I was listening to and I'm not going to get this verbatim, but it was something that hit me really like. It just hit home for me of not aiming for the bottom, because that's where it's crowded, but really wanting to be at the top because that's where you stand out and that's where the clarity is. And I was like, oh, OK. And the bottom doesn't mean it's a bad place to be. It just means that if you fall down really landing in a position where you can still look up, because if you can still look up, you can still get up. And I think that in in the world, as an entrepreneur or working for organization or whatever it is, there's always going to be moments where we feel like a failure. But our failures are not who we are and we are not defined as a failure. Of course we fail, but it's temporary and there are lessons and really asking ourselves, what am I learning from this? And a lot of times we can't do that in the moment as a human. But really taking a step back, if it's a day after an hour after a week after a year after, what did I learn from that? Because we are creatures of habit and patterns continuously show up in our lives. And if it's a pattern that doesn't agree with us or doesn't serve us and our highest and best good, and we are responsible for breaking that pattern in, the very first thing of breaking that pattern is really having the confidence to say, I deserve better than this. I'm no longer available for anything that does not serve me in a way that feels really good.

Meg [00:25:17] Yeah, and so. I think my next question is going to be like, how do you, like, really, like tap into. How did you personally, like, tap into your body and tap into that response and tap into that intuition like what was your journey like? Just just so people can maybe reference or pull ideas from because I know it's so individual, but sometimes it really does help, like, understand how other people started identifying that intuition in that body responsible, like, yes, this feels really good or this doesn't feel good at all. Like I don't know what I'm doing.

Marisa Bailey [00:25:54] Absolutely. I think tapping into our intuition again is just individual to each and every one of us. For me, my journey started with somebody actually telling me about it. So this might be the first time that someone is hearing. What do you mean? Like tap into my intuition when my physical body has reactions to things or I have this repeating thought coming up. What is what does that mean? I felt like this is just being human. It's our intuition talking to us. And for me, it started with somebody on the outside that I was like sort of close with but didn't know a whole lot about each other, really told me about. OK, well, it seems like you're having a visceral reaction to this comment. Can you tell me a little bit about that? And I was like mind blown by it. How how are you recognizing that I'm sitting over here with my stomach? I might be sweating a little bit and we've only been interacting for five minutes. So my journey has started with somebody actually saying the the sense of tap into your intuition or recognize what your physical body is saying. And if it does take work, it's not something that you just magically have overnight. And all of a sudden you are an expert at it, but you are an expert at your own life. And so with that, that's going to show up differently for you. Where for me, when I tap into my intuition, I recognize things where I might be having a not so great experience because I get really lightheaded. I have a pit in my stomach or I'll recognize that my voice will start cracking those types of things where that is something where I really pay attention to. And I recognize that either, A, I need to take a step back from this experience, this person, this whatever. And on the flip side of that, what I'm tapping into my intuition of like, oh, my gosh, I have to follow through with this thing. Like, I can hardly wait to do whatever this thing is or show up, as however I'm told to be, is that my energy is through the roof. I have to physically pull myself away from, for example, a offer that I'm working on or a facet of my business or relationship that I'm in, or whether that be a frontier for that be my marriage or my relationship with my parents. When I'm having a very deep conversation with somebody, I recognize those things now where my energy gets really high, my posture changes, where I know nobody else can see me right now, but I just elevated really high. I can I can see that now where my voice is changing, my tone is changing. I'm using my hands a lot. And so really paying attention to those things because that is your intuition telling you like you are on a right path for where you're supposed to be right now versus this conversation. If it was not where I'm supposed to be, it would feel extremely forced. It would probably have a lot of awkward pauses. And I both of us would probably feel like I can't get off this call soon enough.

Meg [00:28:57] I love that and I also love what you said about being an expert at your own life, and I feel like it's like giving yourself that permission to be that expert and like giving yourself the permission to say, yeah, I am an expert in I am an expert in myself. Like, there's there's no ifs, ands or buts about it. I just am.

Marisa Bailey [00:29:18] And I think that's the number one piece of credibility that every single one of us has. I will say that that was a big thing for me to really recognize that, of course, it's an honor to work with me or to encounter me in any way because I'm an expert at my life. And if I resonate with you in any way, please, like, reach out to me, talk to me, ask me questions, because chances are I probably really want to talk to you, too, or to be connected with you, I, I don't believe in chance. I believe in so much synchronicity. And I believe that every every interaction, every experience, every person that drops into your life at any given time is divine. And it's meant to be for some reason, whether it's this big grand reason or it's a temporary reason, it's all there to teach us something.

Meg [00:30:08] Yes, yes, absolutely. I also agree like that, like synchronicity is like so important in it and tapping into those synchronicities and like really seeing patterns in the things that I keep coming up for you, I feel like helps you build like helps you build that self-confidence and that, like, self expert authority. Like you're like, oh yeah. Like I've been tapping more into this and so like I feel more comfortable calling myself the expert and the authority here because I've been actively looking for for the patterns that keep showing up in my life and what that's trying to tell me.

Marisa Bailey [00:30:42] Yeah. And if I may just add one more thing, because you just also have something just come up to me with your comment of calling yourself the expert. That is also a key tip along my journey that once I was like, you know what, I am an expert. I'm a confidence expert and I am a business coach. And I have X, Y and Z experience behind me. But if I'm not able to call myself the thing, then how can I expect anybody else to believe in me if I don't believe in myself? So it can start as small and as significant as changing your signature on your email, like having a tangible thing for you to see every time you sign off on an email of confidence expert, business coach, CEO, owner, founder, whatever it may be, and seeing that every day. And then soon it becomes a reality. I love that.

Meg [00:31:34] I love that. It's like just as simple as like something like changing your email signature that you see super often and that other people see, too. And it's not necessarily like you're outright saying it, but it's attached to every single one of your emails. And it starts to just become like habit almost. And like in reality, like it might like, even though I feel like something for me that has always been like super interesting is that even though, like, I speak things into reality or I like have the intention for them to foster, I might self sabotage that like coming to fruition. And so like that like small, simple change I feel like is such a good way to start to build that expert authority and like really, really soften into it without feeling so scary.

Marisa Bailey [00:32:23] Yeah. And that's the thing. It's like really soften into it. It doesn't have to be hard, it doesn't have to be aggressive because if you're trying to be aggressive with yourself, it's going to come out right too. And your interactions with your audience and your relationships and and all of the things. Yeah, yeah, and the

Meg [00:32:41] like you said, the soft, it doesn't have to be like a rigid like all of a sudden I'm an expert and I'm going to change everything about like myself. It can be like I'm going to do these subtle things and that will lead me down the path that like I meant to go.

Marisa Bailey [00:32:56] Absolutely, 100 percent.

Meg [00:32:59] So I think my next question for you is like, what are your, like, favorite confident steps, like being a confidence expert? Like, what do you preach to your audience? To build confidence, to have confidence, to keep confidence. What are your favorite tips?

Marisa Bailey [00:33:15] I would say let's see. My number one would be to always celebrate yourself, and there's nothing to small or to quote unquote insignificant in your life or in your experience every day to celebrate. So celebrating can be waking up. It could be brushing your teeth. It can be looking in your client or writing some amazing copy like it could be anything or celebrating. Going outside on a block celebration for me has been. So it just hit it all along my journey and and having fun, having fun is oh my gosh, it's it's life changing because if you're not having fun then what are we even doing? And business doesn't have to be this rigid. Go by the book kind of thing, exactly what you want it to be. And that's how your life should be to your life can be exactly what you want it to be. So have fun. So those two tips are celebrate, have fun. And I'm feeling like I want to throw a third one in there confidently show up as the person that you envision yourself being called to be in some way every single day. And so what I mean by that would be if you really want to be an expert at. I don't know. Speaking. Show up for yourself every single day and you can start out the way that I did by giving myself a TED talk in the mirror every single day, even if it was just for 20 seconds, build that up and continuously build on those things and then start talking or speaking to a significant other or a good friend or a family member and be consistent with yourself in a way that feels good, because that will catapult you and a whole nother world of confidence you didn't even know you had. And as long as you're also encompassing the first two things of. Have fun. Celebrate and show up with who you for, who you really want to be every single day, you will be just this like emanating light of confidence and people will be so attracted to you that it will just be so easy and so fun to be you.

Meg [00:35:35] Oh, I'd love that. I really do. That's like just like just the easy and fun to be like that. Just like that. Like little snippet of that sentence, like clicked so much in my head that like like you said earlier, what are we doing if we are not here having fun. What is he doing if it's so hard and we're like resisting so much all of the time. Like what what are we doing? What's our purpose? Like, why are we doing this to ourselves and why can't it be easy and fun to be mean?

Marisa Bailey [00:36:05] Yeah, exactly. I mean, I'm no more special than anybody else. I mean, I'm no different than anybody else. I believe in myself and I have fun. And I celebrate myself every single day and I show up every day and in a different way. That feels really, really good.

Meg [00:36:24] I love that I think my last question for you is going to be in I am having trouble like formulating this in my mind to, like, speak it to you. So if it doesn't make sense, you know. But my question is like, how how would you approach someone, for example? Like, I have felt kind of like almost like a fraud sometimes, like because I don't have as much education or experience or things like that that other people in my field have. And so, like calling myself an expert sometimes just feels like really like. Uncomfortable, like I feel like I need to have, like another certification or I need to take another course or I need to do more in order to give myself that title. What like what would you just, like, say about that situation, I guess?

Marisa Bailey [00:37:14] Yeah, I would say that that's very common. And it's also it's a valid feeling. I've been there and I feel like every single person that I've worked with, whether it's a player, a coach of mine or a mentor, has always been there is something that will pop up. I would approach that with the advice and the encouragement to really stick with that word expert and define what is an expert to you and how are you showing up as an expert in your life and define that in a way that feels really good for you? Because I feel like if you would go into like if you would go into a corporation and I would tell somebody on a confidence expert, I would probably get a lot of really weird looks. However, if I would say confidence expert and business coach, I would almost guarantee that a lot of people would latch on to the business coach versus the other half the people that would latch on the confidence expert because it's perception. And at the end of the day, the thing that would be holding us back from feeling like we need some more fancy letters behind our name, we need another certification, we need another six years of experience. To say that we are actually an expert is just it's it's a limiting belief of ours and who is to really define what is right and wrong from being an expert versus not being an expert. I feel like we all have so many different personal experiences that qualify us to be an expert in the thing that we are so passionate about and meant to share, which is our purpose. That is the qualifier for us saying and believing that I am an expert in this area or in this field or in this facet, because I've experienced X, Y and Z. And I would almost guarantee that for you and also for any of our listeners. I also struggle with this is if you sit down and you write these things out and you write, what about my journey makes you valid to work with, there would be some really beautiful things that would come out of there that you don't even expect and then that might possibly happen. Yeah, I'm actually really, really good at this. And I love doing this and I love showing up as this person because that's who I'm called to be. And as long as we're showing up as who we are as authentically, of course, an expert.

Meg [00:39:40] Yes, I love that, I love that you touched on like it being a limiting belief and also that, like writing out your journey is sometimes the most powerful, like confidence boost and like liberating experience because it shows you like, oh, like I I've been through so much to get to where I am right. In this moment and that that's enough.

Marisa Bailey [00:40:03] Yeah, absolutely, it's enough, it's more than enough and I think also was like another thing that I would add is ask ask people in your orbit of what what would you come to me for? Or when you think about me, what what would you envision asking me for advice on or what do you consider me being an expert at? That was a really powerful exercise that I did with one of my first mentors, where it was not only writing down the things that I was passionate about, but I reached out to 10 individuals in my life, all different like acquaintances, family members, best friend, friends that I haven't seen in five years, high school friends, previous people that I worked with in my corporate life. And I asked them these questions of, hey, I'm I'm doing this program. And I would really love to know. If you think about me, what are five to seven words that come up when you think about me being an expert at something, what comes up for that? And there were a couple of other questions there, too, that I'm happy to share with your audience. Do that, something that you would want to put out there. But it's a really powerful exercise of just asking people, because the power of ask is something so monumental that just changes so much.

Meg [00:41:16] I love that, yeah, I would definitely be interested in seeing the questions, and so if you don't mind sending them to me, I'll put them in the show notes. But I think just to round it out, like where I can my audience find you? How can they connect with you or what? What are your offers, if you have any right now. Like what? What can we do to support you? How can we connect with you and how can we be in your circle?

Marisa Bailey [00:41:40] Yeah, I would love for anybody to join my orbit. I have a beautiful orbit of human beings and just very powerful ones. And so if you want to connect with me, you can find me on Instagram and that is Morissa Rene Bailly, all one word and then my website is M the letter M and empower all one word dash coach dot com. And let's see how, how can you support me more often. So I actually just launched this program which I'm super excited that you're also going to be a part of. And the car closes on April twenty fourth. But it is a six week program called Bold Business Moves, and it is a six week accelerator to take you from a hosting entrepreneur feeling like you're not really having a grasp on things. You really want to maybe take an idea from from idea to full launch all of the things we learn how to sell without being awkward. We learn that confident communication, confident decision making, and that is open for applications. Right now. I'm still doing interviews and like I said, the part closes on April twenty fourth. And so if you want more information, you can find the link in my bio on my Instagram.

Meg [00:42:55] And I will shamelessly plug it right here that this is like one of the it's one of those programs where, like, you will read the copy and you look at like what's involved and like what you're going to be doing. And you immediately go, I need that. You immediately go, this is like what I need, and so I am super excited to be a part of it. I'd love for any of our listeners to be a part of it with us and. Experience is like massive up level that I know is coming, because working with you like Maude's that like there's no way that like I'm not I'm going to work with you and it's not going to be incredible.

Marisa Bailey [00:43:34] Oh, thank you. I really, really appreciate that. We're going to make some magic. There is some powerful content. And there I am creating these like CEO level resources to share with everybody that's going to be in there. There's going to be a beautiful guest experts coming in. Like I I cannot wait because I feel like this is going to serve everybody that is enrolled at a whole new level.

Meg [00:43:59] Yes. I'm so excited. Well, thank you so much for being here today. This has been so powerful. I am so excited for everyone to hear this and to, like, really soak in and like, listen and absorb the medicine that you gave today. So thank you.

Marisa Bailey [00:44:17] Thank you. I really appreciate it. This has been beautiful.

Meg [00:44:20] Well, have a good day. And this episode will be out soon. And so I will put all of the links to find Marisa in the show notes. And I hope you guys all have a wonderful day.

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