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What is an Aura? The History of Auras and My Observations


I often joke with people and tell them that I wish they could see the inside of my mind when they ask me about what I see when I see auras and how it works for me.

I wish I could show you what I see and how I see it and why I see so much playfulness and joy and love in the world.

I was told a few months ago by a dear friend that I needed to start sharing my intuitive gifts more with my community and at first I really thought this was going to be through my Reiki practice and now breathwork practice.

Learning and practicing Reiki was one of my first experiences being able to interact and see energy in a new way. In a lot of ways I consider this the activation of me being able to see auras the way I do.

As I continued to grow in my Reiki practice I unlocked somewhere in my mind this ability to see the energy VERY clearly and in a really magical way.

This eventually translated over to my everyday life and my ability to pick up on auras and energy.

For me, I don't really "see" anything. Not in the traditional sense. I can just tell when something is present in energy, when it shifts, how people are feeling, and I can often access energy from previous moments or events. This all comes through in colors for me and in messages.

Being able to share my gifts through my paintings and the ability to share what I know about auras has been wonderful and beautiful but I want to share the history of auras and the amount of cultural history they have. Auras are not something new and have deeply ancient roots which need to be honored in our practices.

I hope you enjoy this compilation of information I have found about auras and at the end I have included some of the thoughts and observations I have had about auras.

The History Of Auras Across Cultures

Auras are referred to in history throughout cultures. Ancient Egyptian art is full of different representations of auras and energy. Auras in Western culture are often depicted as halos in Christian art. Energy is the basis for most Eastern religions. In Taoism, qi (Chinese for energy) is the energy and life force that animates our world. In Hinduism, prana (Sanskrit word for breath or life force) is the energy of the universe with which we connect. Hindu and Buddhist practices often link colors from the chakras to the aura. In ancient medicine systems it is believed that we have 7 layers to our auras that contribute to different elements in holistic health.

My Observations about Auras

  • Auras are simply the energy that surround our bodies. Every living thing on earth has an aura and an electromagnetic field surrounding it. Science has been able to prove that we are all surrounded by an electromagnetic field but the actual science of auras is not exact. There is no uniform way to see auras and what each person needs is different.

  • Auras can be similar to vibes! The energy or feelings you pick up from a person can parallel their aura.

  • Time, patience, and practice are important to read auras.

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Since I work with photos and you energy for my paintings I have really had to lean into the practice with patience. It has taught me a lot about patience with myself. The importance of reallllllly slowing down. Like almost a full stop.

I love being able to share my gift in this way because it not only allows me to create something so personal and special for you, but it also helps me find joy in slowness. It’s a honor to be able to hold space for clients in this way.

References and Resources:

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